Arushi Jain

SpecialityJt. Secretary, GEMA

Arushi Jain serves as the Joint Secretary of the Grain Ethanol Manufacturers Association (GEMA) in India. In this capacity, she has been instrumental in promoting ethanol production from grain-based sources, particularly maize. She emphasizes the need to boost maize cultivation to meet the country’s ethanol production targets and advocates for government support to farmers through initiatives like providing discounted seeds and enhancing infrastructure.

In April 2024, under her leadership, GEMA launched the “Makka Ugao” awareness campaign aimed at increasing maize production nationwide. This initiative involves collaboration with seed companies, agronomists, and other stakeholders to educate and support farmers in maize cultivation.

Beyond her role at GEMA, Arushi Jain is the Joint Managing Director of Gulshan Polyols, a significant contributor to India’s grain-based ethanol sector. She continues to play a pivotal role in advancing the country’s ethanol blending program and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.

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by Arushi Jain